
February 24, 2020

Common work injuries and prevention tips

Thousands of people suffer work-related injuries on the job every day. We spend a third or more of our days at work, so it makes sense that any given workplace has experienced some sort of injured employee.
February 17, 2020

Wrist pain: is it carpal tunnel?

You rely on the use of your hands for almost everything you do on a daily basis. But when you have constant pain and discomfort in your hands and wrists, these simple tasks become more difficult and uncomfortable.
February 10, 2020

How to prevent overuse injuries from sports or work

It’s January 2020, and this is the year you promised yourself you’d start exercising regularly and getting in shape. If you’re not used to the grind of exercise routines yet, make sure you don’t go overboard or try anything too crazy right off the bat, or you risk running your body ragged.
February 3, 2020

Can get carpal tunnel from working at a computer all day?

If you work at a computer all day, you have probably heard the rumors or maybe know some co-workers who have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. It’s a fairly common occurrence around office workplaces, so it has been said that regular keyboard and mouse use are a cause of carpal tunnel syndrome.
January 27, 2020

What are work conditioning and work hardening programs?

If you have been injured and unable to go back to work, you may require a work conditioning or work hardening program. Oftentimes, if you are hurt on the job, your employer or their insurance company will require you to go through a work conditioning or hardening program just to receive certification and prove that you’re definitely ready to get back to work.
January 20, 2020

3 Common work injuries and how to avoid them

Thousands of people suffer work-related injuries on the job every day. We spend a third or more of our days at work, so it makes sense […]
January 13, 2020

Common silent injuries from car accidents

On average, there are over 16,000 accidents per day on US roads. Sometimes the damage is just to your vehicle, but often times it causes serious […]
January 6, 2020

The Dangers of concussion in car accident injuries, general, sports, medicine, work injuries.

Every day of our lives, the truth is that we are always at risk for an unplanned injury – no matter how careful you are or […]
December 30, 2019

What to expect: recovering from rotator cuff repair surgery in general, sports medicine.

Shoulder injuries can tear you away from your normal daily life. You rely on your shoulders for so much, especially if you work in manual labor or play sports, that an injury will keep you from even the simplest of tasks. Washing your hair, brushing your teeth, carrying groceries – all become nearly impossible to do without excruciating pain.

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